This book utilizes a ten-stage framework to guide readers through the social entrepreneurship journey:
1. Researching a social or environmental challenge of your choice
2. Collaborating with community
3. Designing a solution
4. Understanding your customer
5. Measuring outcomes
6. Ensuring financial viability
7. Funding social entrepreneurship
8. Building an organization
9. Pitching and communicating
10. Expanding your impact
Each chapter includes examples, case studies, tools, templates, and interviews with social entrepreneurs
and thought leaders. Homework assignments at the end of each chapter help guide you through this
journey step by step.
The introductory chapter provides an overview of the field of social entrepreneurship, its importance,
and limitations. We discuss important things to keep in mind, and how the field is evolving over time.
Social entrepreneurship can include starting your own venture, and it can also include innovating within
and across existing institutions.
Not everyone can or should be an entrepreneur. But everyone can learn from social entrepreneurship,
to help clarify their unique contribution and pathway to social change.
A great way to learn more at no cost is to enroll in the author’s free online course at coursera.com